Meet the Eco-Explorer: Me and the Journey to a Greener Tomorrow
Hey there, eco-enthusiasts! I'm Gabriela, the person behind this little corner of the internet. My passion for sustainability is like the North Star guiding me through the ever-evolving journey towards a more conscious lifestyle.
Besides this website, I’ve been working with impact and sustainability businesses for almost 2 years, and I believe in the power of small actions and everyday choices to make a big impact on our planet. It's the ripple effect of individuals embracing a more sustainable life that truly inspires me. That's precisely why I decided to embark on this blogging adventure—to be your friendly guide in introducing you to a world where caring for the planet is not just a choice but a way of life. For me, even if you buy only one product here or discover that there are sustainable options for your day to day purchases, my mission is done.
In this community, eco-brands will have an exposure to a bigger picture, access to other eco-founders, network, community support and hopefully, more sales. And for consumers, I hope I can bring you in front of products and brands that not only deliver quality but also carry the torch for the environment. So, let's dive into this journey together. Because, after all, our choices shape the world, and together, we can make it a better, greener place. 🌿✨